- universal search--bringing everything online and to make it searchable; including objects and people
- personalized search--indexing personal information about users
- cloud computing--creating new things online using Google's web-based software
G.3 and Google: Connecting Everything and Everyone
I entered the search term "everything to everyone" into Google the other day and on the second page of results, I found an interesting article from 2007 regarding Google's ambitions for the future of the internet. In his 2007 blog entry from Google Operating System, Alex Chitu analyzed The Sunday Times' fascinating article "Google. Who's Looking at You?".
According to the article, Google's dream of “organizing all the world’s information and making it universally accessible and useful” consists of three pillars:
This would make Google the largest, most powerful super-computer ever; literally connecting everything to everyone and converging with our vision for THE GAME (creating an open, collaborative and evolving onmicompetition by referencing every conceivable idea, activity, etc. (nodes) from the past, present and future and exponentially/infinitely scaling THE GAME by merging it with existing nodes, newly created nodes and remixed/mashed up/recombined nodes).